Ergonomic burdens and harms at the workplace of accountants

Authors: Katarina KACJAN ŽGAJNAR, Kaja GOVEKAR, Martina ODER Corresponding author: Martina Oder Type of paper:  Original scientific article Issue: Volume 10 | number 1 – 2016 Abstract: Workers spend a lot of time at work, and therefore, it is important to ensure healthy workplaces. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ergonomic strains of accountants and suggest measures to…

The impact of ultrafine particles on daily counts of deaths from respiratory diseases in the Municipality of Ljubljana: A temporal variability study

Authors: Natalija KRANJEC, An GALIČIČ, Ivan ERŽEN, Andreja KUKEC Corresponding author: Andreja Kukec Type of paper:  Original scientific article Issue: Volume 10 | number 1 – 2016 Abstract: Ultrafine particles are outdoor air pollutants, the exposure to which is associated with morbidity and mortality for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. The purpose of this study is to assess the temporal variability…

Health risk assessment for dental healthcare employees and patients due to the exposure to Legionella spp. in dental unit water systems in Slovenia

Authors: Edis GRCIĆ, Ivan ERŽEN Corresponding author: Edis Grcić Type of paper:  Professional paper Issue: Volume 10 | number 1 – 2016 Abstract: Due to a possible Legionella contamination of dental unit water systems (DUWS) in dental chairs and the possibility of infection when using fast rotating parts (turbines) of dental chairs, we identified the health risks for employees and their…

Analysis of dimensionality of food safety culture: An empirical examination of a Slovenian food processing company

Authors: Martina ZABUKOŠEK, Mojca JEVŠNIK, Matjaž MALETIČ Corresponding author: Mojca Jevšnik Type of paper:  Original scientific article Issue: Volume 10 | number 1 – 2016 Abstract: An emerging research field called “food safety culture” is still largely unexplored. According to the identified gap in the literature, this study aims to develop and empirically validate the conceptual model of food safety culture, especially…

Food safety expertise among professional food handlers and consumers related to foodborne viruses: Case Slovenia

Authors: Mateja AMBROŽIČ, Andreja KUKEC, Mojca JEVŠNIK, Sonja SMOLE MOŽINA, Peter RASPOR Corresponding author: Peter Raspor, Mojca Jevšnik Type of paper:  Original scientific article Issue: Volume 10 | number 1 – 2016 Abstract: The objective of this quantitative survey was to determine the knowledge of Slovenian consumers and food handlers about viral food safety. For this reason, interviews were conducted using…

Neglected importance of cumulative exposure to phosphorus in drinking water and food products

Authors: Gregor JEREB, Borut POLJŠAK, Ivan ERŽEN Corresponding author: dr. Ivan Eržen Type of paper:  Scientific review article Issue: Volume 9 | number 1 – 2015 Photo: Abstract: Using a risk assessment approach possible health risks from different chemicals or other environmental stressors could be assessed. The method is widely used for regulatory risk assessment of chemicals. Although the method gives…

Methodology for defining the effects of outdoor air pollution on children’s health at the population level – a systematic review

Authors: An GALIČIČ, Lijana ZALETEL-KRAGELJ, Marija Zlata BOŽNAR, Boštjan GRAŠIČ, Primož MLAKAR, Andreja KUKEC Corresponding author: Assist. prof., PhD. Andreja Kukec, dipl. san. inž Type of paper:  Original scientific article Issue: Volume 9 | number 1 – 2015 Photo: Abstract: Outdoor air pollution is an important determinant of health. Children are one of the most sensitive population groups due to their…

Current and planned activities in the field of water management in Serbia

Authors: Milena BEČELIĆ-TOMIN, Božo DALMACIJA, Dušanka STANOJEVIĆ, Vesna PEŠIĆ, Dejan KRČMAR, Đurđa KERKEZ, Dragana TOMAŠEVIĆ Corresponding author: dr. Milena Bečelić-Tomin Type of paper:  Scientific review article Issue: Volume 9 | number 1 – 2015 Photo Abstract: Integrated water management in Serbia is regulated by the Water Act, which gives a set of measures and activities aimed at maintaining and improving…

Consumer’s attitude and manipulation of raw milk from milk vending machines

Authors: An GALIČIČ, Natalija KRANJEC, Andrej KIRBIŠ, Karmen GODIČ TORKAR, Mojca JEVŠNIK Corresponding author: Assist. prof., PhD. Mojca Jevšnik, dipl. san. inž. Type of paper:  Original scientific article Issue: Volume 9 | number 1 – 2015 Photo: Abstract: Despite the high nutrition level of raw milk, consumption of it poses a health risk for consumers, especially high-risk populations. The…

Identification of some microbiological risk factors in public swimming pools

Authors: Mira DRAŽETIĆ, Irena KRIŽMAN JERLAH, Karmen GODIČ TORKAR Corresponding author: dr. Karmen Godič Torkar Type of paper:  Original review article Issue: Special Edition 2014 Photo: ABSTRACT: In today’s modern society lots of people visit swimming pool complexes for recreational sport or rehabilitation purposes. The legislation, which regulates the field of bathing water in Slovenia, specifies hygiene requirements…

The role of a sanitary engineer in case of natural or other disasters – example of an international training program for drinking water supply

Authors: Martina ODER, Damjan SLABE Corresponding author: mag. Martina Oder Type of paper:  Professional article Issue: Special Edition 2014 Photo: ABSTRACT: In case of natural or other disasters exceptional conditions that threaten not only individuals but also the community can occur in a very short period of time. Apart from loss of human lives and a…

The role of sanitary engineers in creating better working conditions for kindergarten employees

Author: Branka STRAH, Teja KUMP, Katarina KACJAN ŽGAJNAR Corresponding author: mag. Katarina Kacjan Žgajnar Type of paper:  Original scientific article Issue: Special edition 2014 Photo: ABSTRACT: Health promotion at the workplace represents targeted activities and actions carried out by the employer to maintain and improve physical and mental health of workers. Employment Relationship Act (No. 43/2011) in…

Sanitary engineer in the context of prevention and control of healthcare associated infections

Authors: Alenka PETROVEC KOŠČAK, Mojca NOVAK, Rok FINK, Natalija ČULK, Vera OVSENEK, Jelena FICZKO, Mojca JEVŠNIK Corresponding author: dr. Mojca Jevšnik Type of paper:  Professional article Issue: Special edition 2014 Photo: ABSTRACT: In this paper we discuss about the scope of sanitary engineering regarding the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in Slovenia. The jurisdiction of the…

Food safety management with qualified individual

Authors: Mateja ČEBULAR, Blaž CONFIDENTI, Petra KRALJ SAJOVIC, Tina PERHAJ, Andrej OVCA Corresponding author: mag. Andrej Ovca Type of paper:  Original scientific article Issue: Special edition 2014 ABSTRACT: Permanent training of employees coming into contact with food is fundamentally important to any food hygiene system, through which an overall food safety strategy can be assured. Based on…

National food and nutrition action plan – political and professional tool to encourage healthy lifestyle among citizens

Authors: Rok POLIČNIK, Matej GREGORIČ Corresponding author: Rok Poličnik Type of paper:  Professional article Issue: Special edition 2014 Photo: ABSTRACT: Sanitary engineers are important part of professional teams at different areas of public health, including healthy nutrition. They are actively engaged in ensuring food safety; meals planning; promotion of healthy eating and other activity in the field of…