Odziv potrošnikov na gensko spremenjena živila

Authors: Peter RASPOR, Mojca JEVŠNIK, Damjana AMON, Lidija BAŠA, Rok FINK, Branka ĐUKIĆ, Andreja KUKEC, Katarina LAMOVEC, Vivian MOSES Type of paper: Recent Issue: Volume 3 | number 1 – 2009 Photo: Abstract: Gensko spremenjeni organizmi so že vstopili v prehrambeno verigo v večini predelov sveta. Veliko mikroorganizmov, predvsem pa bakterije in glive so bile spremenjene z namenom povečanja…

Temperature and time impact on food safety in domestic refrigerator

Authors: Andrej OVCA, Mojca JEVŠNIK Corresponding author:  Andrej OVCA Type of paper: Original scientific paper Issue: Volume 3 | number 2 – 2009 Photo: Whirlpoolindia.com Abstract: The domestic refrigerator is indispensable kitchen device and very important link for food safety in food supply chain. Various studies of consumers’ food safety knowledge and practices show consumers’ insufficient knowledge about…

Nutritional behaviours of Slovenian soldiers

Authors: Doroteja KUHAR, Nataša FIDLER MIS, Verena KOCH Corresponding author:  Doroteja KUHAR Type of paper: Original scientific paper Issue: Volume 3 | number 1 – 2009 Abstract: Healthy nutrition is one of the most important conditions to maintain physical abilities of professional soldiers. We aimed to evaluate dietary behaviours, nutritional knowledge and body mass index of Slovenian professional…

Inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal microflora, prebiotics and probiotics

Author:  Rok OREL Type of paper: Professional paper Issue: Volume 3 | number 1 – 2009 Photo: pharmafactz.com Abstract: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of intestinal conditions characterized by chronic relapsing course of uncontrolled inflammation within the gastrointestinal tract. The two main types of IBD are ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD). Both…

Collection and analysis of particular matter deposition around the port of Koper

Authors: Gregor JEREB, Boris MARZI, Franka CEPAK, Sidney A. KATZ, Borut POLJŠAK Corresponding author:  Gregor JEREB Type of paper: Original scientific paper Issue: Volume 3 | number 1 – 2009 Abstract: Particulates are tiny particles of solid or liquid suspended in a gas. Sources of particulate matter can be anthropogenic or natural. Increased levels of fine particles in…