Readers of IJSER are acquainted with resarch results from differnt fields, such as:
- Research in environmental, food and occupational hygiene;
- Epidemiology;
- The environmental engineering science;
- Systems engineering, and sanitation;
- Development of health engineering methods, management, governmental policies, and societal impacts of drink water, wastewater collection and treatment;
- The fate and transport of contaminants on watersheds, in surface waters, in groundwater, in the soil, and in the atmosphere;
- Environmental biology, microbiology, chemistry, fluid mechanics, and physical processes that control natural concentrations and dispersion of wastes in the air, water, and soil;
- Non-point source pollution on water-sheds, in streams, in groundwater, in lakes, and in estuaries and coastal areas;
- Treatment, management, and control of hazardous wastes;
- Control and monitoring of air pollution and acid deposition;
- Air-shed management;
- And design and management of solid waste professional obligations facilities;
- Food technology, management of food quality and food safety.