Authors: Špela HAJDINJAK, Mojca JEVŠNIK
Corresponding author: Špela HAJDINJAK
Type of paper: Original scientific paper
Issue: Volume 2 | number 1 – 2008
Abstract: In the globalization and rapid industrial development times food safety assurance is one of the basic conditions for protection of public health. For this purpose knowledge and awareness of personal hygiene among food handlers were determined in one of the middle-sized meat processing plants. It was found out that food handlers are aware of personal hygiene, but do not always practice it. Were observed problems in inter – social relations and communication difficulties at all levels, which can influence on quality of work performed and consequently on food safety assurance. Awareness of importance of good hygiene practice is based upon sense and is not uniformed. Periodicall, thematicall and methodologicall adapted trainings are crucial for food safety.