Analysis of dimensionality of food safety culture: An empirical examination of a Slovenian food processing company

Authors: Martina ZABUKOŠEK, Mojca JEVŠNIK, Matjaž MALETIČ Corresponding author: Mojca Jevšnik Type of paper:  Original scientific article Issue: Volume 10 | number 1 – 2016 Abstract: An emerging research field called “food safety culture” is still largely unexplored. According to the identified gap in the literature, this study aims to develop and empirically validate the conceptual model of food safety culture, especially…

Food safety management with qualified individual

Authors: Mateja ČEBULAR, Blaž CONFIDENTI, Petra KRALJ SAJOVIC, Tina PERHAJ, Andrej OVCA Corresponding author: mag. Andrej Ovca Type of paper:  Original scientific article Issue: Special edition 2014 ABSTRACT: Permanent training of employees coming into contact with food is fundamentally important to any food hygiene system, through which an overall food safety strategy can be assured. Based on…