Priporočila Evropske agencije za varno hrano glede zbiranja podatkov o uživanju hrane

Authors: Matej Gregorič, Irena Dobrila, Ana Veber Corresponding author: Matej Gregorič Type of paper:  Scientific review article Issue: Volume 3 | number 2 – 2009 Photo: Po številnih krizah v živilskem sektorju konec devetdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja se Evropska Komisija znova trudi pridobiti zaupanje potrošnikov in zaščititi javno zdravje. EU je s svojim pristopom reševanja problema začrtala novo…

Use the carbon footprint for the reduction of greenhouse gases – the case study of Port of Koper

Authors: Uroš LUIN, Franka CEPAK,Borut POLJŠAK Corresponding author: Borut POLJŠAK Type of paper: Professional paper Issue: Volume 3 | number 2 – 2009 Photo: Abstract: Carbon footprint is a calculating operation, which is used to calculate the volume of the produced greenhouse gases in CO2 equivalents for a particular activity to be carried out on our planet.…

Sources of the coliform bacteria in the lake Bohinjsko jezero

Authors: Martina ODER, Anton BRANCELJ Corresponding author: Martina ODER Type of paper: Original scientific paper Issue: Volume 3 | number 2 – 2009 Photo: Abstract: The lake Bohinjsko jezero is the largest natural lake in Slovenia. It is 4.350 m long, 1.250 m wide and 45 m deep. Nevertheless, biological and chemical indicators show that the inflow…

RAsFF as the tool for ensuring food safety

Authors: Mojca JEVŠNIK, Andrej OVCA, Renata SABO Corresponding author:  Mojca JEVŠNIK Type of paper: Article Issue: Volume 3 | number 2 – 2009 Abstract: Ensuring food safety and quality is, in the EU and globally, an important element in the care for the public health. To achieve this objective, harmonized action of different partners (legislative, regulatory and scientific…

Development of the Leonardo da Vinci Accessible World for all Respecting Differences – AWARD project

Authors: Matja DOVJAK, Živa KRISTL Corresponding author:  Mateja DOVJAK Type of paper: Professional paper Issue: Volume 3 | number 2 – 2009 Photo: Abstract: In the framework of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013, Leonardo da Vinci, Project Accessible World for All, Respecting the Differences (AWARD) is currently underway. The aim of the project is to raise…

Comparison of wooden (abies spp.) and plastic trays for pasta drying

Authors: Rok FINK, Sebastjan FILIP, Mojca JEVŠNIK Corresponding author: Mojca JEVŠNIK Type of paper: Original scientific paper Issue: Volume 3 | number 2 – 2009 Photo: Abstract: Food quality and food safety are vital in processes where products are in contact with various materials. In case of with wooden frames were used for centuries, however with development of different…