Authors: Martina ODER , Rok FINK*
Corresponding author: Rok FINK
Type of paper: Original scientific article
Issue: Volume 13 | number 1 – 2019
Biofilms on food contact materials represent public health issues because they are resistant to cleaning and disinfection. This study aims to assess the Bacillus cereus biofilm formation capacity on silicone, polyethylene terephthalate, Teflon, and aluminium food contact materials. The biofilm biomass was analysed with the crystal violet assay method. We used the standard strain B. cereus CCM 2010, wild strain B. cereus 100 and spores of those two strains. The results show that both the vegetative form the bacteria and it spores form large amounts of biofilm on silicone, followed by polyethylene terephthalate, Teflon, and aluminium. More detailed analysis has shown that spores form more biomass on all materials in comparison to the vegetative form and that the standard strains form low levels of biofilm in contrast to the wild strains. Selecting proper material with the lowest biofilm formation potential can prevent or reduce food contamination and consequently increase food safety.
Biofilmi na kontaktnih površinah predstavljajo pomemben javno zdravstveni izziv, saj so bolj odporni na čiščenje in dezinfekcijo kot planktonske celice. Namen raziskave je bil ovrednotiti količino biofilma na materialih za stik z živili, kot so silikon, polietilen tereftalat, Teflon in aluminij. Količina biomase biofilma na površini je bila ocenjena z metodo kristal vijolično. V raziskavi smo uporabili standardni sev B. cereus CCM 2010, divji sev B. cereus 100 in spore obeh omenjenih sevov. Rezultati kažejo, da tako vegetativna oblika, kot spore obeh sevov tvorijo velike količine biofilma na silikonu, sledi mu polietilen tereftalat, teflon in aluminij. Bolj natančna analiza kaže, da spore tvorijo več biomase na vseh materialih v primerjavi z vegetativno obliko ter da standardni sev B. cereus tvori manj biofilma v primerjavi z divjim sevom. Izbira primernega materiala z najmanjšim možnim potencialom za nastanek biofilmov lahko zmanjša ali prepreči kontaminacijo živil in posledično izboljša varnost.