Corresponding author: Tatjana BABIĆ
Type of paper: Original scientific article
Issue: Volume 13 | number 1 – 2019
Rotavirus is the important cause of acute gastroenteritis in pediatric patients. The aim of the present research was to determine the incidence of rotavirus infections in infants and children up to seven years of age in the town of Niš. Seasonal prevalence of rotavirus-associated acute gastroenteritis was also evaluated. An enzyme immunoassay (RIDASCREEN® Rotavirus; R-Biopharm AG, Darmstadt, Germany) was used to detect rotavirus in the stool specimens of 1,156 patients (newborns up to 7 years of age) presenting with gastroenteritis. Identification of bacteria and yeasts was performed by classical methods. The overall incidence of rotavirus in examined children was 5.97%. Among 144 hospitalized children, rotavirus infection was diagnosed in 28 (19.44%). In 1,012 children treated in outpatient setting for diarrheal diseases, rotaviruses were found in 41 (4.05%). The highest incidence of rotavirus infection was among the patients of one year of age. Among 1,156 pediatric children tested, bacterial pathogens were found in 6.31% and the most frequently isolated pathogens were Campylobacter spp. and Salmonella enteritidis. The highest prevalence of GE was recorded in the colder season, peaking in April (15.94%). Rotaviruses are an important factor in the etiology of the acute diarrheal diseases, especially in children hospitalized during the winter/spring season.
Rotavirus je pomemben vzrok akutnega gastroenteritisa pri otrocih. Namen predstavljene raziskave je ugotoviti pojavnost rotavirusnih okužb pri dojenčkih in otrocih do sedmega leta starosti v mestu Niš. Ocenjena je bila tudi sezonska razširjenost rotavirusa povezanega z akutnim gastroenteritisom. Za odkrivanje rotavirusa v vzorcih blata pri 1156-ih bolnikih (novorojenčki in otroci do sedmega leta starosti) z gastroenteritisom, je bil uporabljen encimski imuno test (RIDASCREEN® Rotavirus; R-Biopharm AG, Darmstadt, Germany). Identifikacija bakterij in kvasovk je bila izvedena s klasičnimi metodami. Skupna pojavnost rotavirusa med pregledanimi otroci je bila 5,97 %. Med 144 hospitaliziranimi otroki, je okužba z rotavirusom bila diagnosticirana pri 28-ih (19,44 %). Pri 1012 otrocih, ki so jih zdravili v ambulanti, zaradi diarejskih bolezni, so rotavirusi bili najdeni pri 41-ih (4,05 %). Najvišja pojavnost rotavirusnih okužb je bila pri enoletnih otrocih. Med 1156 testiranimi otroci, so bili bakterijski patogeni najdeni pri 6,31 %, najpogosteje izolirani patogeni so bili Campylobacter spp. in Salmonella enteritidis. Največja razširjenost GE je bila zabeležena v hladnejši sezon, z vrhuncem v aprilu (15,94 %). Rotavirusi so pomemben dejavnik v etiologiji akutnih diarejskih bolezni, še posebej pri otrocih hospitaliziranih v zimski/pomladni sezoni.