Authors: David ALLEN, Graeme MITCHELL*, Michael PASCUCILLA
Corresponding author: Graeme MITCHELL
Type of paper: Original scientific article
Issue: Volume 13 | number 1 – 2019
It is clear that there is an increasing proportion of the United Kingdom (UK) population who are suffering with food allergies and this combined with an increase in the frequency of eating away from home (where there is less control over the content of food) poses a significant risk. In December 2014, the European Union (EU) introduced legislation which aimed to ensure that customers with food allergens could make informed choices and safely consume food, without the risk of a potentially life-threatening reaction. The research used semi-structured interviews with staff from a BCB, located in the North West of the UK, as the aim of the research was to explore food handlers’ knowledge, attitudes and understanding of food allergens. The findings of the semi-structured interviews identified five themes: E-learning training programmes: the staff felt that these were ineffective and did not take into account individual learning styles. Responsibility: there is a lack of clarity as to who is responsible, with staff believing the key responsibility lies with the customer. Communication: similarly, communication, both within the kitchen and within the company was not clear and likely to give rise to confusion. Need to make a profit: the staff felt that the drive for profit meant that customer safety was being compromised, especially when staff numbers were reduced. Staff awareness: the staff felt confident in their own ability to prepare a safe meal but indicated that staff may be dismissive towards claims of allergen sufferers. In conclusion, these themes illustrate that a significant risk exists for allergen suffers, who rely upon the knowledge, attitudes and understanding of BCB staff to ensure their meals are safely prepared.
Jasno je, da se v Združenem kraljestvu povečuje delež ljudi, ki trpijo za alergijami na hrano, hkrati pa se povečuje pogostost prehranjevanja izven doma (kjer je manj nadzora nad vsebnostjo hrane), kar predstavlja veliko tveganje. Decembra 2014 je Evropska unija (EU) sprejela zakonodajo, ki naj bi strankam z alergijami na hrano zagotavljala dovolj informacij za izbiro in varno uživanje hrane, brez tveganja, da bi prišlo do smrtno nevarnih reakcij. Raziskava temelji na pol strukturiranih intervjujih z osebjem iz gostinskih podjetij na severozahodu Združenega kraljestva, saj je bil namen raziskati znanje, odnos in razumevanje alergij na hrano tistih, ki z njo rokujejo. Ugotovitve pol strukturiranih intervjujev so opredelile pet tem: Programi usposabljanja z e-učenjem: osebje meni, da so neučinkoviti in ne upoštevajo posameznih stilov učenja. Odgovornost: premalo je jasno, kdo je odgovoren, osebje pa meni, da je ključna odgovornost na strani stranke. Komunikacija: podobno tudi komunikacija, tako v kuhinji kot znotraj podjetja, ni bila jasna in bi lahko povzročila zmedo. Potreba po dobičku: osebje meni, da želja po dobičku ogroža varnost strank, še posebej ob zmanjšanju števila zaposlenih. Ozaveščenost osebja: osebje se je počutilo samozavestne glede lastne sposobnosti za pripravo varnega obroka, a se je izkazalo, da včasih ne upoštevajo zahtev ljudi, ki trpijo za alergijami. Za konec, te teme kažejo veliko tveganje za ljudi z alergijami na hrano, ki se zanašajo na znanje odnos in razumevanje osebja v gostinskih podjetjih, ki naj bi zagotavljalo, da so obroki varno pripravljeni.