Corresponding author: Rok Poličnik
Type of paper: Professional article
Issue: Special edition 2014
ABSTRACT: Sanitary engineers are important part of professional teams at different areas of public health, including healthy nutrition. They are actively engaged in ensuring food safety; meals planning; promotion of healthy eating and other activity in the field of healthy nutrition. The National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia unanimously adopted the first Food and Nutrition Action Plan for Slovenia from 2005 to 2010 (FNAP) in March 2005. FNAP was result of efforts by and cooperation with numerous national and international experts, governmental services, NGOs and other interested parties that could play a crucial role in implementing healthy nutrition. FNAP was also an important basis for the implementation of measures in the area of promoting healthy eating habits and the development and strengthening of systems that represent opportunities for future employment of sanitary engineers (eg. meal planning in kindergartens…). In the preparation phase of Ministry of Health is a new FNAP. It will be based primarily on the integration of different areas of nutrition and physical activity (strengthening healthy environments for healthy eating and physical activity, communication…), followed by the objectives of the strategic goals of the European Union and the World Health Organization for limiting chronic diseases at the global level.