Authors: Lidija BAŠA, Mojca JEVŠNIK, Barbara DOMAJNKO
Corresponding author: Lidija BAŠA
Type of paper: Article
Issue: Volume 3 | number 1 – 2009
Abstract: Food safety is an area that has to keep pace with the quick and intense economic development and regulatory requirements. The purpose of the contribution is to show the meaning and understanding of novelties of food safety in the field of primary production. Qualitative and quantitative methods of approach were used. Textual material for the qualitative analysis was acquired from two sources, namely the seven partly structured interviews (with representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations) and 78 ansvers of one open-ended question in a questionnaire survey relayed to farmers (the recipients of finances form the SKOP programme for the year 2005). In representatives’ of governmental and nongovernmental organizations opinion, the key factor for ensuring food safety is the very responsibility. The problem of shared competence is strongly highlighted. For provision of effective and traceable system of good practices with the intention of production of qualitative and safe food, appropriate mechanisms need to be established at the state as well as individual level. One should be aware of the fact that safe food is the result of the clean environment and such a production which contributes to safeguarding and maintaining of the health of people.